Welcome to My Top Five Favorite Pinball Machines On PinBall FX.
My fifth favorite table is Spider Man
One of my favorite things about it is the I'm Unpredictable hole.
It is hard to hit it but you can get up to 1000000(one million.) Green Goblin mode is also pretty cool.
You can get a lot of points on this machine. The design is great with all the flashing lights and that
sort of thing. Another detail I like is that the left flipper has blue rubber and the right flipper has
red rubber. the Green goblin ramp is also decorated nice. When you get it up to the top if you hit it to the right side of the top part it will go down the ramp and when the ramp goes to the bottom
part of the table it will loop around and come out the other side. If you hit it up the middle into the hole more than once you can get some big bonuses.
Well check back tomorrow and my next favorite pinball table on pinball FX
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